Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Beware the empty promises of government

The failure of planners will inevitably end up with the planners empowering a dictator to make the failed plan work. It is a race to the bottom as the party takes over the country demanding absolute obedience. 

I fear not who occupies the PM's overpowered seat today, but the one who will succeed him. He will be unopposed, demanding obedience as a necessity. All freedom will be lost. People will be forced into jobs they are not suited to, creating inferior products and services, and structural unemployment (may already have happened).

There is one thing that prevents this from being completely irreversible today, something Hayek did not see coming: Social Media. 

But the powers that be in government and the UN are working hard to weaken and stifle this medium. They want the free flow of information controlled. They will claim it to be for your own safety, your children's safety that they protect you from the dangerous gay and child porn on the internet. They will tell you they're protecting you from the radical elements of Islam or any other boogeyman they can conjure up. 

But we know how government works. Surely by now we're wise enough to see they can't even keep a limping man in a sarong secure. They cannot keep their loose lips from spouting rubbish. What makes you think they can protect you and your family?

Will keeping you uninformed and helpless strengthen you or strengthen the dictator? You decide. We don't have much time. The road has been paved with good intentions, and all we need to do is walk on it.

Watch Hayek's 'The Road to Serfdom' in Five Minutes